Crime Stop

CRIME STOP / Neighborhood Watch: 850-433-STOP

Monday, October 2, 2017

Neighborhood Watch

Neighborhood Watch Meeting

Dear Fellow Neighbors,
You may have read recently that Escambia County is currently in the midst of a budget battle and, among other things, that battle will severly impact the the staff of the Sheriff's Office, creating a manpower shortage and likely discontinuing patrols to our area. We have therefore reenergized our Neighborhood Watch program here in Blue Angel Lake in an effort to thwart any potential problems as a result of the decreased surveillance.
On Tuesday evening, September 19, Bob Stott and I attended a 4-hour Neighborhood Watch Academy conducted by the Escambia County Sheriff's Office. A lot of very good and useful information was presented during the lecture which will be condensed into a one hour presentation to us by David Craig, the Community Watch Organizer for Escambia County, and Deputy Enderson. That presentation will be held on Tuesday evening, October 17 at 6:00 at my home on 9696 Westgate Circle.
I encourage you to attend that meeting so that we can learn how to better safeguard our homes and our properties. As was noted in the Academy, when a group of neighbors exert a cohesive effort to employ situational awareness, they can drive most dangers from their neighborhood.  We will be taught how to identify threats in our environment and how to prevent them. I will leave you with two important points that were emphasized:
1. 95% of home invasions start with a knock on the door. Do not open your door to strangers, but do make them aware that somebody is in the house
2. "See something - say something". If you see something suspicious in the neighbohood, call 436-9620. If you don't call, you are potentially the victim the next time. Florida statute requires that if one calls the number above and states "send a deputy", the Sheriff's Office must comply. Identify yourself as a Neighborhood Watch member.
I hope to see you at my home on October 17.

Randy Delaney
Neighborhood Watch Coordinator, Blue Angel Lake HOA

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