Crime Stop

CRIME STOP / Neighborhood Watch: 850-433-STOP

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Minutes of Board of Directors Meeting

Board of Directors Meeting
September 19, 2016
The Board of Directors of Blue Angel Lake HOA met on Monday evening, September 19, 2016 at 6:00 p.m. In attendance were; Randy Delaney (President), Mike Clarke (Vice President), Jackie Callahan (Treasurer) and Bob Stott (Board Member at large). No other HOA members requested the opportunity to attend.
Randy called the meeting to order and brought the Board up to date on the pending legal issue before the HOA. He noted that a mediation session was scheduled for September 30 between representation from the HOA and a member of the Association who has chosen to remain non-compliant with specific restrictions as stated in the HOA bylaws.
Annual Meeting - Randy noted that the Annual Meeting of the Homeowner's Association is scheduled for Tuesday, December 6, at 7:00 p.m. at Sullivan Hall. He thanked Mr. Jim Olson for sponsoring this through his association with Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church and for making the arrangements. Notice of that meeting will go out in November to all homeowners in good standing, and will include a proposed slate of Directors for the coming year as well as a number of proposed bylaw changes for the members to vote on.
Nominating Committee - Mr. Bob Stott agreed to Chair this year's Nominating Committee and head up a team to select candidates for the Board for 2017. Anyone interested in serving or with a suggestion for an appointee should contact Mr. Stott directly.
Proposed Declarations & Bylaw revisions - One of the projects that the Board took on this year was to clean up the HOA's 20 year old Declarations and Bylaws, and bring forth any proposed changes to reflect how the Association operates today. Funds for this were escrowed several years ago in anticipation of this and the Board has been working with an Attorney who specializes in HOA laws. A number of proposals were discussed, and a complete copy of this will be circulated to all members of the Association for their review before being presented at the Annual Meeting for a vote.
Financial Update - Jackie Callahan presented an updated financial statement for the Board's review and noted that, other than legal expenses, all line item expenses were holding to form. She reported that the HOA is in good shape financially and she does not anticipate any variances to budget. Randy observed that the Sign Committee continues to work towards the replacement of our sign at the front entrance, but is finding it difficult to locate an acceptable one within the constraints of its budget. He noted that $500 had been budgeted for plants in the common areas this year and that only $35 has been expended thus far. Since it was now late in the year and the growing season is coming to an end, he suggested that perhaps the Board should contact the Landscape Committee and request permission to reallocate those funds to the sign project. The Board was unanimously in favor of that idea and Jackie said she would speak with the ladies on the Landscape Improvement Committee.
Other - Three properties in the neighborhood were identified as appearing neglected; one was in foreclosure and the other two were rentals. Randy said he would contact the owners of the two rental properties of note. He also said that he was aware of someone who is interested in buying the home in foreclosure and that they are currently going through the process. Jackie added that she had contacted the previous owner and that he had sent her money to have the lawn taken care of for the next two months. That will done within the week. In closing, Randy noted that Barbara Horton had sold her home to a couple from New Hampshire and that the closing was set for October 6.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Respectfully Submitted,

Randall K. Delaney

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