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Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Board Initiatives for Blue Angel Lake Neighborhood

Dear Fellow Neighbors,
We wanted to bring you up to date on our latest Board initiative; that of reviewing our HOA bylaws and CC&Rs to insure that they are current, relevant, and still accurately reflect the needs of our community. When the Blue Angel Lake neighborhood was formed 20 years ago (Oct. 30, 1996), our Articles of Incorporation stated that "This Association is organized to create an entity to provide for the maintenance and architectural control of the properties and the residential lots within these properties and to promote the health, safety and welfare of the residents within the subdivision".
Getting all to agree and comply with those specified controls of course is the challenge herein, because we can all have slightly different interpretations of the rules, or in fact may not be at all aware of them. In that regard, each of us on the Board has committed to reading through our HOA bylaws and CC&Rs again thoroughly in order to have a better understanding of what our guiding principles are and to see what has changed in twenty years in order to perhaps facilitate any amendments. This is not strictly a Board function, but one which should involve every home owner, as ultimately amending any bylaws and CC&Rs will require a majority approval. Therefore we invite you to read your copy of the bylaws and CC&Rs and contact any member of the Board on issues that you feel needs to be reviewed. Jackie Callahan can e-mail you a copy of the bylaws and CC&Rs if you are unable to locate yours.
Fortunately, forward thinkers on previous Boards in Blue Angel Lake recognized that the time would come when our bylaws would need to undergo just such a procedure, and therefore funds have been sitting in escrow for about 5 years for that very purpose. This is an appropriate time to address this. We encourage you to become familiar with the bylaws and CC&Rs and be prepared to meet as a community at a future date to discuss any proposed amendments that may come up for a vote at our annual meeting in December. In the mean time you should be aware of some of the most often overlooked or unknown of the CC&Rs which we have listed below.
1. Article V, Section 1 of our Declaration (CC&Rs) states that no one may erect any building, wall, fence, mailbox, shed, pier or any addition to their house without having approval from the Architectural Committee, currently headed by Mr. Curt Jones.
2. Article VII, Section 5 states that we all must maintain the exterior of our properties in a neat and sanitary condition.
3. Article VII, Section 6 limits the number of pets one may have per household.
4. Article VII, Section 14 states that no trailers, boats, campers or RVs are allowed on the street or on the lot, except in a closed garage.
5. Article VII, Section 15 reminds us that state and federal agencies have jurisdiction over common areas of our community, specifically the 20' buffer surrounding our lake. This area must be maintained in a natural and unaltered state, and the Association has the obligation to the Florida Department of Environmental Control and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to protect this.
6. Article VII, Section 10 restricts watercraft in our lake to non-powered vehicles not over 14' in length.
Our governing documents have served us well over these 20 years and helped us maintain the integrity of our neighborhood. However, as noted above, the opportunity is before us to review them as a community to consider any revisions.
Blue Angel Lake has many retirees within our community, and a number of others with one eye towards that goal. The happiest retirees, according to a recent article in the Wall Street Journal, are those who pursue a purposeful life, who volunteer their time, contribute to their communities, and who foster and maintain a deep connection to family, friends and the community they reside in. People simply need to be valued and needed.
It's time to focus on our communal kinship and direct some of our energies toward more positive ventures. To that end, this Board wishes to recognize those who have already been involved in enhancing our neighborhood. Thanks go to Lora Jones and the sign committee that she has recently organized to look at new signage for our front entrance.  Thanks also to Michael Clarke who took it upon himself to brace up the privacy fence along Gulf Beach Highway once the pressure washing was completed. Thanks as well to Eric Carlson who was seen pressure washing the blackened curbing at the culvert along Westgate Circle, hundreds of yards from his own home. Many good things are happening right here in our neighborhood and committees such as the Landscape Committee, the Lake Committee, the Architectural Review Committee, the Neighborhood Watch Committee and other volunteers who do the little things, often which go unrecognized, show great promise of what our neighborhood can become.
Board of Directors
Blue Angel Lake HOA

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