Crime Stop

CRIME STOP / Neighborhood Watch: 850-433-STOP

Saturday, April 1, 2017

New Entrance Sign

Good evening. I would like to thank the sign committee and all others who helped with the preparations and installation of the new entrance sign. Thank you for your time and a job well done. The new sign is beautiful and a great addition to our front entrance.
Michael Clarke
Current HOA President

At last year's annual meeting, the membership approved funds for two projects this year; pressure washing the fence along Gulf Beach Hwy., which was completed in early summer, and replacing our entrance sign. Many thanks to our Sign Committee members Lora Jones, Shelley Maniscalco and Donna Aberg for their diligence in getting this in front of us. This handsome new sign comes at a greater cost than what was budgeted – cost is approximately $3200. However your Board felt that it was important enough to improve this asset of our community, such that it needed to try and find a way to fund this. In a budget review session at the end of October we've determined that this is possible.